Pico text editor download
Pico text editor download

  • by typing in pico filename at the UNIX system prompt.
  • by activating the Pico hypertext link, under the Lynx menu called "Basic Services".
  • It can also be used with the Tin news readerĪnd can be set as the default text editor for your Logon Server account. Pico is an easy-to-use text editor on the CNS Logon Server that is designed to work in tandem with Pine e-mail.
  • Cisco Default Administratitve Distances.
  • In addition, should you have questions concerning Pico or need additional assistance, we invite you to visit the FutureQuest ® Community Forums. Here is a link to search results on Google: A web search should turn up a great deal of additional information on using Pico. For additional information on using Pico, you will find numerous Pico tutorials posted on the web. This tutorial does not cover all of the features of Pico. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, the Pico text editor is a good choice for many beginners. Pico is a very simple text editor, and not as powerful as other editors such as vi or emacs. Once you have the desired file name showing, hit to finish saving and exit. If you tell Pico to save, it will prompt for a file name.

    pico text editor download

    Type Y to save, or N to exit without saving. If there have been any changes made to the file, Pico will ask whether you would like to save. Once you have the desired file name showing, hit to finish saving. Pico may suggest a file name to save to, or you may have to enter one. To save without exiting, use the ^O command. By cutting in one location, moving cursor to a new location, and then uncutting, you can move text easily.Ī complete list of commands can be found by using the ^G(Ctrl-G)"Get Help" command. Uncut (paste) the text that was last deleted, at the current cursor position. Mark the current cursor position as the start of a text selection.Ĭut (delete) the current line or marked text. Insert the contents of a textfile at the current cursor position. Note: The ^ symbol denotes the Control (Ctrl) key. Here are some additional navigational commands. You can move around in Pico with the arrow keys. Once you are inside the editor, you can simply begin typing. As shown in the image below, Pico displays the current file name and its status across the top of the screen, and across the bottom are some listed commands. So ^G means the key combination Ctrl-G, which brings up the Help menu (for "Get Help"). Note that the ^ symbol denotes the Control (Ctrl) key. If the file filename.ext does not exist, it will be created as a new file. If the file filename.ext already exists, then Pico will open the existing file for editing. Here are some basic tips to get you started with Pico. For assistance, please visit the Community Forums.

    pico text editor download

    Note: The FutureQuest ® Service Desk does not provide direct support for the use of text editors.

    pico text editor download

    (Other text editors that are installed as well are vi, emacs, ed and Midnight Commander.) The File Manager provides an easy-to-use, point-n-click web interface that is recommended for most Site Owners who wish to create or modify files directly on the FutureQuest ® servers.įor those who would like to use a text editor in an SSH session, a simple text editor that is installed on all FutureQuest ®servers is the Pico text editor. For editing files on the servers, one option is the File Manager interface in your account's CNC.

    Pico text editor download